As we gaze upon the night sky, we are often compelled to wonder about our origins, not just in a physical sense, but especially a spiritual context. As highly sensitive beings we all know the challenges that may come with it. It’s crucial for your spiritual journey to understand and honor your intergalactic connections and infinite nature that lies beyond your physical appearance. You have most likely travelled through many life times, and those have not been solely on mother earth, but in the vastness of the galaxies and solar systems surrounding our planet. You might ask yourself why you struggle with some of the earthly concepts, societal norms and ideas and why you keep feeling out of place at times. Reconnecting yourself to your multi dimensional origins might help you anchor yourself into your earth experience deeper than ever. Because you are galactic and you are of earth at the same time. Getting to know yourself is the foundation of spiritual seeking, uniting yourself with all that is, will lead you to your true origins, which are innately galactic.
As we seek to understand our place in the Universe, we embark on a spiritual journey that transcends the physical. The exploration of cosmic origins invites us to contemplate the deeper meaning of existence, to recognize our connection to the Divine, and to embrace the mystery of creation. It encourages us to look beyond the material and to see the Universe as a reflection of the spiritual, a manifestation of the infinite.
The story of the cosmos is a testament to the boundless potential of creation and the unity of all thing. As we continue to explore the stars and the depths of our own consciousness, we find that the journey to discover our cosmic origins is, ultimately, a journey to discover ourselves.
As a starseed, you may often feel a strong sense of alienation from mainstream society, and you may experience a deeper connection to the cosmos, as you may come from other planets, star systems, or dimensions than Earth. You find yourself here, maybe a bit disoriented at first, but as you embrace your uniqueness you can allow for your mission to come through and to shine the light of purpose on this existence.
Do you feel a certain home sickness for a place you cannot remember?
Do you have intuitive and psychic abilities?
Do you experience a heightened empathy and sensitivity?
Are you interested in the cosmos and the stars?
Do you feel that you have a certain mission or purpose on Earth?
Do you have vivid dreams about otherworldly places or civilizations?
Are you deeply interested in ancient civilizations like Atlantis, Lemuria, and Egypt?
Are you gifted with unusual talents or artistic creativity?
Do you feel wise beyond your years, like you have an ancient understanding of existence?
Do you experience any of the claires? Clairvoyance, clairaudience, or other high sensory perceptions?
Do you feel like you have a higher purpose here that has nothing to do with what school has been teaching you?
Can you communicate with animals and the unseen worlds?
Do you feel the deep desire to understand the mysteries of the Universe or feel you hold knowledge of them without understanding where you’ve learned this?
Are you here to assist Gaia and humanity in their transition?
Do you experience deja vu? The feeling you’ve experienced certain things before and know the outcome?
Do you value freedom, honesty and kindness?
Have you been feeling connected or even contacted by extra terrestrial beings lately or dreamed of contact?
If you can relate to most of these questions with a yes, you will feel deeply seen and understood by this article and love letter to the star seeds and cosmic family here on earth.
It is important to understand that almost all of us have been having star origins but not all of humanity is aware of these connections. There are waves of cosmic beings that have been volunteering to come onto earth to assist humanity in this important time. You may be very well one of them. We have been a civilization of hybrids since the beginning of time here on the planet and we are guided and supported by our star families ever since. However as we arrive here, most experience the effects of the veil, that every human upon arrival experiences. A sort of amnesia where you forget why and how you came here, and have to start figuring it out. Voila! And here you are, reading this article, and maybe researching about your origin and finding clues in deep meditation or other experiences that helped you remember. We galactic beings come from different spaces and may have different planetary systems we feel connected to, however, we have one thing in common: we shall awaken to our full potential, as we have been placed here to allow a natural disruption of the status quo, through our frequency or our teaching, arts, music, being, and all creations we birth. Here are some common faced challenges and tips to start that journey:
CHALLENGES that we may face as awakened STARSEEEDS
A feeling of isolation and loneliness, not fitting into society
A feeling of overwhelm by energies and emotions of yourself or others (often falsely diagnosed as mental illness, depression, ADHD, etc and heavily medicated by conventional medicine)
A feeling of confusion and inner crisis about your identity and mission
A feeling of pressure to support earth and humanity in the ascension process
A feeling time is running out
Connecting with like-minded individuals and communities (be with people that get it!)
Establishing a regular spiritual practice by connecting to the Divine within you, meditating, clearing your energy field and working with your emotions, connecting to star family
Exploring past life memories or starseed origins through regression therapy or channeling (learning from teachers and guides)
Honoring your unique gifts, sensitivity and talents by finding a way to contribute to the ascension of earth and humanity
Some commonly mentioned origins include:
Pleiadians: Pleiadian starseeds is one of the biggest groups on earth to date, are thought to be gentle, loving, and focused on bringing light and healing to earth
Arcturians: these starseeds are often considered to be highly advanced in technology and spirituality, with a mission to guide humanity’s spiritual evolution, clarity and neutrality
Sirians: Sirian starseeds are thought to be deeply connected to the earth’s oceans and ancient civilizations like Atlantis and Lemuria, very connected to water
Andromedans: these starseeds are believed to be visionary, connected to water as on their home planet, with a strong sense of freedom and a desire to bring knowledge and innovation to humanity, system disruptors
And many more…
"What lays the foundation for infinite healing, magic, and expansion?
The consciousness that ripples through all things at all times."
Tuning ourselves into the unified field, where all possibilities and manifestations reside, allows us to expand far beyond the mere capacities of limited perspective that is presented to us by society and its education system and societal structures.
Direct your awareness to your hands in this moment: How do they vibrate while reading this article? Can you feel the energy current that streams though your hands, accumulating and then gathering at the finger tips like small electromagnetic swirls? Breathe deeply and feel this sensation while closing your eyes.
What you feel is Source, streaming through you in this very moment. And you might feel your healing hands, your potentiality – that which could be of tremendous help to others and yourself. This energy current is so powerful that it could literally move mountains if you began to learn how to use it. Source energy is raw and has not been programmed with a consciousness, in most cases, but that can change, as all can change.
At times, you may find yourself wondering: What’s my path in life? We all know that place of confusion, where ‚what comes next‘ is a mystery. How do we determine what the next step in life is? One thing to be aware of is that there is a higher force guiding us. This guidance lies beyond our mental understanding of things. To be on a spiritual path means truly trusting that we are always being led, and trusting that guidance means that we are able to deeply listen to the signs of the Universe. This compass system made you find this article you are connecting with right now. How beautiful and perfect Source is can be witnessed in every moment when we sharpen our focus.
There is a subtle communication of frequencies happening all the time, between us and the Cosmos, through situations, relations, and environments. All sorts of signs present themselves. This is what we call ‚synchronicity‘ – where there is an alignment with the frequencies of the Universe which is meaningful yet almost impossible to explain. When our bodies attune to these subtle frequencies, we can be guided with every step; the more attuned we become to the flow of the Universe, the clearer the signs will be. It’s about training our ability to sense and to listen deeply.
"When learning how to listen, we receive the ripples,
naturally leading us towards certain people and situations.
When in trust, we always end up where we are meant to be."
These signs can also be approached in a very yogic way – what is called the ‘Self-Sensory System’. Our bodies speak to us in energy waves and, when we can sense and trust that we have the ability to decode these waves, there will be no question of whether we should do something or not. When the ripples of our internal water memory hits the shores of our being, we get an instant knowing. There are situations where we feel the resonance and the ‚yes‘ throughout our whole body’s system. You will remember and be remembered at the same time.
Things are either meant to be or not. The people we are supposed to meet will show up in our lives. Sometimes, by simply seeing a picture of a person and through frequency alone, we can have an intuitive knowing that we are supposed to meet them. An alchemist is initiated in this wisdom of sensing frequency, chemistry and electromagnetics. If something resonates, we will feel it in every cell of our being. Kundalini Yoga and other spiritual practices are about fine- tuning our bodies (the light and the physical) to consciously receive these frequencies. These practices also strengthen our nervous system, helping in processing all this information and training the body to become even more sensitive and more attuned to the voice of the heart.
The question is – are we trusting this voice? We all intrinsically know what our destiny is. The more we ignore it, the deeper our longing becomes to unite with our purpose and to connect with our Higher Self. This feeling to meet our destiny is always there within us. In avoiding this meeting, the signs become bigger, our inner voice grows louder, and eventually – the pain sits deeper to direct us towards alignment. Our soul’s purpose naturally synchronises to the highest alignment of the Collective Consciousness. When we begin meandering, perhaps ‚sight-seeing‘, something might come into our lives to wake us up to remind us to participate and engage with life. A wake-up call can be in the form of an illness, an accident, or any situation that shakes things up a bit to place us on notice, but we prefer not to reach that point.
This does not mean that ‚bad‘ things will happen if we ignore our calling. The Universe doesn’t judge in this sense. There is no good or bad as Source exists beyond the duality. It’s simply about doing what is necessary to lead us more fully onto our soul’s path and about learning and evolving. We are on our paths because our soul has called us to do so, choosing this incarnation to embrace our path and not to walk someone else’s or to try to be someone else. The alchemy is happening when we are in our sovereignty. It’s your destiny and you are the only one who can fulfill it. In this light, all comparison and jealousy fades, because there is only one of you here. If you are not embodying that ONE, the Universe would miss you, and as long as the field is missing you, you will feel the pressure, the longing to step fully into your being. The pressure begins to come off as we ease into our destiny. Crystallizing into your I AM Presence, the presence of your true self in expression on the planet in this now, is a beautiful and essential task.
Calling in your Star Family for ascension and healing support is something that has been so natural for us for so many lifetimes and incarnations. Deep inside your soul, you understand that the human race is not the only one in creation.
We have been and we are connected to our intergalactic supportive family in so many ways, everyone of our guardian angels is part of our Star Family, as they have not originated on Earth. Extra-terrestrial just means not of earth, try to avid the word alien as it holds judgment and an old fear projection. As soon as you leave your physical body you will be also not of earth. We have experienced this many times.
Numerous ancient cultures in which many of us had incarnations worked with them on a regular basis, amongst them especially pre-dynastic Egypt, Lemuria, Atlantis, and the Mayans, Incas, Dogon, as well as the ancient Rishis and yogis from India and the Himalayas and many more.
Our ancestors received numerous downloads and hands on technology to use for the advancement of the planet, amongst them the technology of sound and the Djed pillar to move heavy objects and create otherworldly structures like the megalithic structures found around the planet. One of these powerful healing structures is located on the Giza plateau in Egypt. The pyramids where devices to alter and adjust the planetary grid and alignment, also they have been used as healing chambers for sound and initiation of many of the great ascended masters that walked the earth, Yeshua and Magdalene amongst others.
Deep trauma from intergalactic wars and painful abuse in experiments that many of us have experienced have, in some cases, shut our openness to our galactic family due to old fears and pains of separation. However when we remember that most of us are cosmic Star Seeds, who are immensely loved and supported, we open ourselves to so much more healing and love available.
Start by gazing into the night sky, allowing yourself to wander through the firmament and see where your gaze is drawn to. Usually the stars of some of your incarnations will draw you to them magnetically.
Most star beings are amazing technicians and cosmic physicians and healers and guides – they are eager to help you and to support but they respect free will. I wish you to remember what you’re longing to know and to embrace your full potential while here on Gaia. I’m here to support you and there are many of us out there, we came to volunteer and guide, and we are currently gathering. This journey is a magical one and my prayer is that this magic finds you everyday.
Thank you for your service ground crew.
With infinite Love and support for you all,
Za Rah